Best Employment Lawyer In Richmond

Henry Austin-Stone

Employment Lawyer

Henry Austin-Stone is a widely qualified lawyer with experience in litigation and courtroom advocacy,

with a specific focus in criminal law, employment law and civil litigation. Henry has worked as a lawyer in private practice for both Tasmanian and Victorian law firms, as a Prosecutor with Tasmania Police specializing in the prosecution of family violence, as a self-employed HR/IR consultant and has experience in working with clients from a broad range of backgrounds, including those who are from vulnerable segments of the community. Henry is an active Army Reservist, having been appointed as an Officer in January 2021.

Peter Vitale

Employment Lawyer

Peter Vitale commenced his legal career with an international law firm, becoming a partner in 2002.

In 2006, he assisted the Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) to establish an associated legal practice, focused on employment law. Peter has also been General Counsel to VECCI. In 2010 Peter has launched his own legal practice. Peter delivers to his clients the benefit of over 20 years experience practising law in the area of employment and labour relations. He is known for developing close working relationships with his clients and understanding their businesses. In this way, he helps clients achieve longer term and strategic objectives, as well as dealing with the issue immediately at hand.

Joseph Kelly

Employment Lawyer

Joseph Kelly has extensive experience in commercial litigation and workplace law, having advised employers

and employees on all issues relating to industrial relations and employment law. Joseph has advised industry bodies, unions, employers and government and continues to run training and information seminars for legal practitioners. Joseph is accredited as a specialist in Workplace Relations by the Law Institute of Victoria.


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If you find yourself to be in a situation where finding the Best Employment Lawyer in Richmond gets difficult, then we are here to help you out with this. Below is a list of the Best Employment Lawyer in Richmond. To help you find the Best Employment Law Richmond located near to you, we put together our own list based on Client reviews.

Employment Lawyer

When we think of employment law, what is often what comes to our mind is the gray area that encompasses a lot of different laws and principles that are intended to govern the way employees interact with one another and how those employees can be dealt with by their employers. The bottom line, however, is that even if the laws may seem confusing, they actually do speak loud and clear about what is legally allowed and what is not. Because no two situations are ever identical, it is important that employment law lawyers have developed the skills and expertise necessary to interpret and determine what the boundaries of those laws are so that everyone involved in employment knows what is legally allowed and what is not. This is why employment lawyers in Australia are so vital to the individual working in a job.

Employment law is governed by laws that are designed to keep employees safe and ensure that they are fairly treated, but even these laws can be very confusing. For example, while it may seem like an employer has all the right to fire an employee for any reason or no reason at all, what this means in practice is that an employee may be able to challenge this in court or try to file a suit against the employer. Even if an employee is able to present a valid argument or case against the employer, what happens next is down to a judge making the final decision.

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